July 5, 2015

Ah, summer!!

It’s finally HOT!!! Camp is SUCH a much more fun place when it’s hot… Inter Girls staff were thrown in the lake at lunchtime for doing the Inter Boys cheer…. So of course the Inter Boys then stole the Inter Girls cheer….  In response to this at dinner two staff dressed as police officers burst into the Main Lodge and “arrested” Sam, the Inter Boys Section Head, for stealing the Inter Girls cheer…. After which a judge dressed in full robes and a long curly white aid pronounced Sam guilty and poured water on him as a “sentence.” After which evening activity for Inter Boys was Kangaroo Court… Tomorrow and Tuesday a massage therapist comes to camp. We give away massages all day for both days to staff (and then again six more days through the summer).. Why? Because we work our staff SO hard that we want to reward and motivate them every way we can to keep on giving their all to the campers….  (Word on the street is that Arowhon staff work harder than staff at other camps).

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