July 16, 2018

Alien Invasion and More!

A lot happened here at Planet Arowhon today! After a sweltering morning of serious humidity, the skies opened up at Rest Hour and treated us to a refreshing downpour that had everyone dancing outside with joy. The storm passed quickly and we were back out at activities for the afternoon. At dinner however, the Head Table was mysteriously quiet with Mara and Jo unexpectedly absent.

Evening activities continued as normal (the boys got ready for their annual Junior-Senior Night sleepover while the Junior Girls tested their knowledge of their staff in a heated game of “Know Your Counsellor” and the Senior Girls played greased watermelon water polo). The co-ed Inters evening activity was definitely one to write home about: the EAC (Evening Activity Committee – a group of enthusiastic instructors who come up with creative new activities for each section each week) ran an amazing new game called Alien Invasion where teams had to sneak into each other’s territory to gather pieces of a broken spaceship (including a pilot on the loose) and bring them back to their side to reassemble in proper order to get back to their home planet. It required speed, stealth, smarts, and most of all teamwork, and was a whole lot of fun to boot!

But after evening activity when it Mara and Jo were STILL nowhere to be found, the camp started to get a little worried. Max and Andre decided to run a missing person drill, which turned up a strange ransom note telling them that in order to get their matriarchs back, they have to shut down the camp! Now of course Max and Andre don’t give up that easily, so they decided to declare tomorrow morning a day off for campers and let everyone sleep in and have brunch and a super general to give them some time to plan their next moves. What a great start to SPECIAL DAY 2018!!! Can’t wait to see what tomorrow holds!

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