July 22, 2016

The Force Awakened on Planet Arowhon

It was an incredible day at camp as the 4 teams battled to take down Kylo Ren and save Planet Arowhon! All morning long campers competed in activity competitions… Red Poe, Blue Finn, Green Rey, and White BB-8 raced against each other in sail boats, canoes, and on windsurfers, rallied it out on the tennis courts, and shot at Tae fighters at archery. The afternoon started with a tug of war and ended with a marathon of epic proportions (the final event of which was a nail-biting canoe race finishing in front of the ML and cheered on by the whole camp). The culminating event of the day was a counsellor hunt (where staff hid around camp and campers had to find them and bring them back to their depots without getting caught by bad guys). Max and Mara were each worth the most points – 250! Max was caught but Mara’s spot remained a mystery (although she was very wet and muddy when she emerged so there are some speculations… campers are trying to figure it out so they can find her during the Colour War counsellor hunt).  Dinner dessert was team colour cupcakes and the ML was all decked out in team decorations.

We’re all tired after the big day and looking forward to a good night sleep and getting back to regular activities tomorrow. The Senior Girls section is abuzz with activity getting ready for Rustic and Cotillion and the Inters and Seniors are busy prepping for their production of West Side Story in a couple of days. We’re so sad that the month is passing so quickly but excited for all of the great stuff happening in the next few days!

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