August 16, 2024

We’re sure making the most of our last few days on Planet Arowhon!

This morning we awoke early to an ethereal mist-covered lake to see off the intrepid seniors doing the Brent and Whitney marathon trips. We’re rooting them on as they paddle and portage over 100km today and tomorrow, and preparing for a hero’s welcome when they arrive home.

The conditions were perfect today for our second last day of programming, with a warm wind powering windsurfers and sailors across the lake. After a quieter day yesterday recovering from the intense 2 days of Colour War, campers were ready to go, achieving awards left, right, and centre. Mealtimes were exciting today with many high classers carried in on proud shoulders.

The Seniors had an especially fun day with Senior Section Switch Day, where their staff traded clothes and roles, so the Point Staff ran the Curve and vice versa. Lots of silliness ensued. And tonight marked a special night for the Curves, who led the summer’s final singalong in our Main Lodge. Every camper stood up and sang their hearts out to classic songs The Circle Game, Hallelujah, and Lean On Me. A few tears were shed thinking of our impending departure, but we know that even when we’re not seeing each other every day, our hearts will remain just as close. The incredible bonds campers have made this summer will live forever.

Evening activity was the Arowhon theatre season’s finale: High School Musical! Sinters and Seniors came together to sing, cheer, and dance to the catchy tunes, ending with the entire camp on their feet clapping and singing along to “We’re all in this Together”.

Cabins are out and about tonight checking items off their summer bucket lists, from stargazing in canoes, to s’more making, to night ziplining, these are the memories that we’ll always cherish.

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