August 18, 2021

Coming Together

Camp is going to sleep tonight exhausted and elated after 2 intense days of Colour War. The weather was perfect today for the Land and Sea game – a full camp extravaganza involving campers on land hunting for treasure (painted blocks) that they passed to their team mates in a plethora of watercraft to sail, surf, or paddle out to the pirate ship voyageur on the far side of the lake, all while trying to evade the bad guy pirates who were trying to steal their booty along the way.

This afternoon all of the Inters and Seniors spread out around camp for the famous Colour War marathon – starting with the whole team filling a garbage can with water from the lake passed in jugs through every member’s hands, culminating with the  captains building fires to burn suspended rope, and featuring every single team member in between performing a relay of challenging and wacky tasks (my personal favourite being sorting a pack of skittles into individual colours). The race was neck-and-neck throughout but the yellow team made an epic push from 4th to first place in the last 3 events and won the day.

The best part of the whole Colour War thought was not the competition but the camaraderie, not only amongst team members but also between teams. It was so special to see these young people transcending the goal of winning to keep their eyes on the real prize: challenging themselves while supporting others to do so in a safe and fun environment.

Meanwhile, the Juniors are tucked into their tents for their last night of canoe trip and many of the LITs are braving the wilderness on their overnight solos, and we’re excited to welcome them back and hear all about their adventures tomorrow!

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