What a day! The sun was shining and activities were in full swing today at #planetarowhon – The Brick and The Block (as Ben Dekoven, our co-head of sail, has styled himself) hosted our first sail race of summer; alumni Jonathan Newman led an fun-packed period of ‘Newmania’, which toured every inflatable swim toy and diving tower in camp; and alumni Toby VanHarten taught the finer point of watercolour painting. The fabulous still life paintings of Teepee Lake are now proudly displayed on the mantel above the head table.
Our first LIT training trip of the summer kicked off today, ably led by veteran canoe trippers Jackie Chan and Jenn Davis. Under their excellent tutelage, this first group of 2017 LIT’s will, over the next five days, grow to be talented wilderness leaders themselves. They will learn the finer points of Laughter Yoga, delve into the depths of Leave No Trace camping, and develop a stronger sense of eco-literacy, through exploration of water filtration, and the productions DIY organic, all natural, and bio-degradable soap and deodorant.
And we can’t forget the senior boys, who today started rehearsal for the annual production of Buck Lake, a humorous, and often-satirical take on camp life here at Arowhon. I for one can’t wait to see the show, and the inevitably laughter-sore cheeks that are sure to follow!
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