July 20, 2017

What a day at camp!

There were so many special things at camp today it is hard to keep track! Many activities chose to switch it up and break from regular programming. Windsurfing took advantage to the light wind and held an around the lake paddleboard race. Fitness, Aerobics and Dance combined with Arts and Crafts for a mix of body painting and Zumba dancing. Swimming held a “since the dawn of time” diving for tuck special day. It seemed like everyone was doing something different and exciting.

This afternoon we saw all the juniors paddle off from the shores of Arowhon for their canoe trips. Their trip leaders in full costume, some dressed as pirates, others fairys, and some in prom dresses, ready to make many of their campers first trips an adventure they will never forget. On the tripping front we also had a group of inters paddling the Madawaska river for some classic Ontario white water.

The day ended with the break skit for our “who’s camp?” special day. An epic mini-play that had multiple vehicles, flaming arrows, people sliding down climbing ropes, motorboats, wild dance moves and a whole lot of jokes. Tomorrow the camp will compete in a huge variety of events to see who will come out on top! Only time will tell.


  • Max

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