September 27, 2013

Letter from a camper mom

Hi Joanne,

Somehow I missed opening up one of our recent envelopes from Camp A until last evening…. out tumbled a swimming badge, some awards and an extraordinary letter from Adam Ruzzo.
We know that Elliot (Schrider) is very musical and, although he only started playing guitar at the end of January, his progress has been remarkable. When he got back from camp he expressed his surprise at people’s reactions to his playing, “people think I’m really good, that I’ve been playing for 2 or 3 years. I know you and Dad said I’m good but…well.. you’re my parents” 🙂
Anyway, the fact that Camp Arowhon takes the time and trouble to write a letter detailing specific feedback about a camper – in this case about Elliot’s participation in guitar – is fantastic. The fact that it’s in writing, that it captures a point in time, that it is affirming and motivating for the camper, that it has practical application for future (backup for school/job/music courses or opportunities)… we were blown away! For parents, it is also a window into the powerful support the kids get at camp, and it lives well beyond the timeframe of the Summer months.
Thanks again,
Pam Gilbert
"Life long learnables" at Arowhon

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