Camp Arowhon
Did St. Mike’s have to happen?
I feel awful about what happened at St Mike’s. Awful for the boys and their parents, and sad for our culture where such goings-on can occur – and be tolerated. I have been hearing this from parents, the worried question: Could what happened at St. Mike’s happen elsewhere? Some parents ask this question, some don’t. […]
Getting Through to Tough Boys
An excerpt from Arowhon Head Counsellor Jonny Reed’s recent article on #Metoo and teenage boy culture. This perfectly reflects Jonny’s (and Arowhon’s) approach to mentoring young men. Worth a read for everyone with a boy in their life. “In the three months since the rise of #MeToo, I’ve seen an upswing in the conversation about […]
The Mission of Camp
Our management team arrived at camp this week and hit the ground running to get camp ready for another amazing summer. We spent all day yesterday with a professional facilitator doing team building and goal setting exercises. Here’s what our amazing Head Counsellors came up with as their summer mission: “We want to provide all the […]
Why Camp?
Over the years we’ve shared dozens of articles with our community espousing the value of summer camp for kids, staff, and even sometimes parents. We’re thrilled that so much research is being done proving what we already knew, but we’re probably starting to sound like a broken record (and preaching to the choir) when we […]
Defining “Bullying”
By: Mara Kates, Assistant Director “Bully” has been the buzz word amongst parents and people who work with young people for the past few years now. And it’s great that we are so aware of our kids’ social and emotional well-being. And it’s great that we’re teaching kids that it’s ok to reach out and […]