Camp Arowhon

Social Inclusion

May 19, 2014

What would happen if electronics were forbidden?

Standing Out Posted on Camp Business May 16, 2014 Article Author: Dr. Chris Thurber What would happen if electronics were forbidden? My 9-year-old son, Sava, took a field trip to the State House in Concord, New Hampshire, with his class on Monday. Like any good parent, I asked him what he learned. “I’m the only kid […]

May 8, 2014

Skills learned at camp create successful career grownups

Peace-makers At Work:’s Research Reveals The Benefits Of Social Values In The Workplace’s latest study indicates that proponents of social values perform better at work. Montreal, Canada – April 08, 2014. Many companies seek employees whose values match those of the organizational culture, but how does a person’s individual values affect their work […]

April 22, 2014

What do DisneyWorld, Zappos and Camp Arowhon have in common?

I heard a radio documentary about training incredible staff. They talked about the superb staff at DisneyWorld, and how Disney’s staff training is the best there is – Every single staff comes out of that training living the Disney ideals (like that or not). They also talked about Zappos, the internet clothes and shoes giant. […]

April 7, 2014

Regulating Emotions – a Life Skill our kids need

Regulating emotions is a dry expression used by psychological professionals to describe being able to calm down and not freak out for too long when you’re upset. It’s the difference between a five minute cry over a boo-boo (physical or emotional) and an hour-long drama. Nobody likes the latter. When grownups do it, it’s appalling […]

April 3, 2014

Sharing Arowhon’s Social Safety Tool Kit With Other Camps

Hi Joanne, I hope you are great. I wanted to share with you that last week while attending a meeting of my colleagues from the other Reform camps, we were asked to share one ‘big idea’ from our camp for a friendly ‘big ideas competition’. I chose to share the Sociogram and the system we […]

March 31, 2014

New research on perils of protective parenting

Do we over-protect our kids – at great cost to them? The Atlantic magazine has a superb new article on how over-protecting our kids actually harms them. The article is HERE

February 24, 2014

Girl Power Grows at Camp

Girls and Leadership, an interview with Rachel Simmons Simmons is author of The Curse of the Good Girl and co-founder of Girls Leadership Institute, recently wrote an opinion piece for about the reluctance many girls feel toward leadership roles. She argues that in order to take advantage of the access they now have to […]

January 31, 2014

Keeping teens safe on-line

There’s a lot of talk about how vulnerable teens are on-line, and as parents we tend to respond to our worries about that as per usual, with a lecture about the perils of the internet. But, also as per usual, the lectures are pretty much guaranteed to be ineffectual. This is for two reasons: One, […]

November 29, 2013

Camp is a place where girls find their strength

 Rachel Simmons, author of The Curse of the Good Girl and co-founder of Girls Leadership Institute, gave an interview to Camping Magazine about the opportunity for camps to grow girls’ leadership, self-confidence and voice. CLICK HERE for the interview.

November 28, 2013

Letter from a Camp Arowhon staff

  There’s something special about Arowhon that’s really hard to put into words until you experience it. The summer I chose to come to Arowhon I had a few different job options to consider, but I picked Arowhon. I had an incredible summer, and each one following has been even better. Clearly, I love the […]
