August 13, 2024

Today marked the first day of our annual Colour War! Campers started the day by getting dressed in the colours of their respective teams and heading to the front of the Main Lodge to sing their team songs. Energy was high as campers got into the spirit, cheering each other on and pumping each other up.

Our first challenge of the day was Scavination. Teams of 5 campers ran around camp in search of our staff members, who would then give them a challenge with the reward of an answer to a skill testing questions about monsters. Teams then competed in activity-based challenges, including speed chess, sail races, and archery and riding competitions. Each team gave it their all, and the results were neck in neck.

The friendly competition continued into the afternoon and evening as campers competed in tug-of-war, swimming, soccer, and volleyball tournaments before spending the rest of their day rehearing their Fight Songs that the seniors had written today! The icing on the day was the much-anticipated counsellor hunt (Mara found a new hiding spot this year and was not caught)!

Colour War may be halfway over, but tomorrow is going to be just as colourful and fun!

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