August 16, 2024

Only a few days before the end of our amazing summer and we’re really making the most of our time left on Planet Arowhon.

This morning we awoke early to an ethereal mist-covered lake to send off the intrepid seniors on their sprint canoe trips to  Brent and Whitney. We’re rooting them on as they travel over 100km under their own steam in barely 2 days. Their returns will surely be a spectacle!

The conditions could not have been more perfect for our second last day of activities. The warm wind was blowing windsurfers and sailors across the lake, the horses had plenty of energy after their break over Colour War, and after a restful day yesterday recovering from the action-packed  2 days, campers were ready to go! Meal times were especially exciting today, with so many high class award achievers being carried in on proud shoulders, and dinner’s ice cream sandwich dessert had everyone screaming with excitement.

The seniors had a blast today with Senior Section Switch Day, where all their staff swapped clothes and roles, so the Point staff ran the Curve and vice versa. And tonight marked a special night for the Curves, who held this summer’s final singalong in our Main Lodge. Every camper stood up and sang their heart out to classic songs The Circle Game, Hallelujah, and Lean On Me. A few tears were shed over the last song: Leaving on a Jet Plane, and it was clear how much love there was in the room. We are so grateful for the incredible bonds we have made this summer, and although we may not be seeing each other daily, we’ll remain just as close in our hearts.

And the action didn’t stop there: evening activity was the summer’s final camp play: High School Musical, bringing together Sinter and Senior campers in raucous dancing, singing, and cheering.

All around camp tonight cabins are out completing their summer bucket lists, from stargazing in canoes to s’more making, to night zip lining.

It ain’t over til it’s over!

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