What a couple of days it’s been! On Monday evening after a fabulous evening of music and dance performances (the now annual Arowhonapalooza collaboration between FAD and Music) we were ushered down by torchlight to the front of the Main Lodge where an INCREDIBLE scene awaited us: a 20 foot tall neon-lit Omnidroid stood menacingly over a dinner table where the Parrs, a family of retired super heroes were enjoying their dinner. We learned through the amazing skit that bad guys Syndrome and Mirage had kidnapped 2 of the Parr children… and the family and their friends had to come together to bring them home, hence the theme for Colour War 2018: THE INCREDIBLES!!!
Over the past 2 days the camp has been divided into 4 teams competing and collaborating to rescue the Parr children. From speed strokes to silly strokes and big splashes to style dives in the swim meet, to the chess tournament and dance competition, to the epic marathon and fire tonight (we’re so grateful the fire ban was finally lifted!), Arowhon campers jumped both feet in to whatever challenges arose, and at the end of the day, it really didn’t matter who won or lost because everyone had a great time, and the most important thing they did was to support each other as friends.
After 2 full days of activity we’re all exhausted and grateful for tonight’s ETB (which will be followed by a much-anticipated SLEEP-IN AND BRUNCH!!!). We can’t believe there’s less than a week left in camp, and we plan to jam as much fun stuff in our remaining time as possible!