Hi families!
We’re excited to be back with our first blog post of summer 2018!!! It’s been a sizzling start to the summer with 30+ degree heat every day! Swim tests were a breeze and we’ve never heard cheering so loud for ice cream sandwiches for dessert. We’ve decided to modify our camp schedule a bit to keep kids resting in the shade in the hottest part of the day, so until the heat wave lifts, we have an extra rest hour before lunch, and evening activity is a general period where all the activities are open for business. So far it’s a big hit and is working great to beat the heat!
Today campers started earning their awards at activities and the ML (main lodge) reverberated with proud cheers from section-mates. Rehearsals for the Junior Play (Peter Pan) are underway, Arowhon A classes have begun, and all over camp impromptu tetherball and gaga tournaments are taking place. The wheels are rolling and we’re on track to an incredible summer.
We’re giving out bracelets this year to campers and staff who embody camp’s values of caring, respect, and learning, and all over camp we’re noticing incredible examples of these. Campers comforting homesick peers, helping each other with heavy lifting, taking initiative and contributing to our community… it makes us so happy to see that it’s not just the people at the top preaching these values but the whole community living by them. We just had the words carved into signs – it’s our staff and campers that bring them to life!
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