August 15, 2021

Tutus and Tea Parties

As we enter the final week of the summer, campers and staff are really seizing each day. Creativity, spirit, and goofiness are through the roof and I am constantly amazed by the wild and wonderful ways people are finding to learn and play.

From entire canoe lessons sung opera-style to silly dress-up theme nights to passionate cheering in the Main Lodge, camp is full of positive energy. We’ve worked so hard to keep Covid out thus far, it feels like we are finally reaping the benefits or our labour. The Juniors are leaving on trip tomorrow and at dinner the trippers put on one of the most enthusiastic skits the Main Lodge has ever seen to wish them an amazing time. Rumours are flying about what the theme of Colour War will be (if it even happens… wink wink) and Inters and Seniors are spending their spare time practicing their acts for Arowhon-a-Palooza (our annual performing arts talent night), rehearsing lines for the play (a modern, feminist rendition of Cinderella), training for high class awards, and savouring the beautiful weather we finally have!

Today I shared a birthday with a Senior Boy and we both wore tutus all day, skipped around the room, and enjoyed our kitchen’s delicious homemade cake. Joanne hosted the Senior Girls for a sophisticated tea party in her cabin and was amazed by their manners and conversational skills – she shared a highlight of one of them asking her what she wished she had known when she was their age. Arowhon campers are special people and we are grateful to parents for sharing their most precious possessions so that camp can be what it its – far more than a just bunch of old buildings!

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