Camp Arowhon
Letter from a Dad to a 1st time camper
Open Letter to My Daughter, the Camper, by Scott Shamberg Dear Daughter, Tomorrow you leave for overnight camp, the first time you will be away from home for more than a night and/or not under the supervision of a loving grandparent. Overnight camp is one of the true gifts of your young life — a reward, […]
ContinueWhy camp?
from the American Camp Association:
ContinueWhy French Kids Don’t Have ADHD
A provocative article on the Psychology Today blog investigates why in France, there is almost no ADHD. Read the article HERE
ContinueFailure: The New Success
by Paul Tough, author of How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character Kids need a combination of autonomy and support, and it’s often difficult for them to get this at home or at school. It’s a hard balance to strike for any parent or any teacher. Parents are sometimes so wrapped […]
ContinueKids and Guns
Guns ‘n’ Kids by Joanne Kates In May, in Virginia, two Grade Two boys were suspended from school for making shooting noises while pointing pencils at each other. This they think will stop gun violence in America. The teacher knew the boys were play fighting, and identified their play as pernicious because they have a zero […]
ContinueA different perspective on bullying
by Joanne Kates The media are all over the Rehteah Parsons tragedy, but it’s a conversation utterly lacking in depth. The proposed legislation – against transmitting intimate images – is a lousy little band-aid on a festering sore. Rehteah Parsons died because of bullying. The Internet does not create bullying. It just makes the cruelty […]
Girl Power Arowhon Style
Before being a camp director, I was a journalist for 20 years. During that time, as well as being restaurant critic for The Globe and Mail, I wrote columns reflecting on life… I wrote the Hers column for the New York Times and years ago wrote a regular personal column for The Globe and Mail. […]