Campers and staff alike were excited to jump into the first day of regular programming! The day started off with 2 hilarious skits at breakfast: one with staff dressed as Mr. and Mrs. Clean to announce the cabin clean-up competition (weekly winners of which earn an ice cream sundae party in the staff kitchen), and an intricate vignette of Willy Wonka and Oompa Loompas to announce the Junior Play: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!
Activities ran smoothly all day with a fan favourite being the creative nature programs such as guerilla fishing and edible wilds scavenger hunts run by Emily Obal, former Head Tripper and Program Director who is back to help out for the month! Music classes turned into travelling bands serenading us around camp, and swimmers were rewarded for their effort in lessons by time on the elements like Jungle Joe and the water slide.
After a delicious BBQ chicken dinner followed by some enthusiastic cheering, campers went off to a variety of evening activities ranging from the ever-popular dodgeball to a new creation called “Tanks” involving partners, blindfolds, and a whole bunch of bouncing balls. Juniors went to bed to await the cookie fairies, and inters and seniors enjoyed some (highly supervised) social time in the main lodge before heading home to share their “roses and thorns” in cabin circles.
One of my favourite things to do at camp is to attend cabin circles, and tonight my rose of the day was hearing that in a cabin full of inter girls, the biggest thorns were “having to run to get to archery all the way from riding” and “not being hungry for dinner because I ate too many apples” – #campproblems #perspective
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