July 3, 2024

Mixed Bag of Fun

Today brought us a little bit of everything at camp. We started the morning with sunshine and a brisk breeze, creating the ideal sailing and windsurfing conditions.

Later in the day we got a few showers, but campers didn’t bat an eye and just kept playing outside (with a little bit of hocho to take the chill off), showing that there really is no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing and attitudes. After the rain, lots of puddles were jumped in and gleeful mud-spattered faces were everywhere.

At Rest and Staff hour today activities continued, with campers practicing their skills for intercamp against Tamakwa which is coming up, and at lunch the Main Lodge was filled with ear-splitting cheers of Arowhon pride.

Evening activities tonight included more dodgeball (a camp favourite), counsellor makeovers, swimming Name That Tune, and  Kabote, a ridiculous camp classic involving saying “Kabote” continuously without taking a breath and trying to pull out socks hanging from other’s pockets.

The Moose were busy all day rehearsing for their big performance of Buck Lake tomorrow. Can’t wait to see what they bring to the stage!

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