As the month draws to a close we’re winding up, not down, here at camp. Awards are being achieved in incredible volume, speaking to the dedication and drive of our campers. There’s nothing quite like seeing (and hearing) the pure, unbridled pride our campers express when they see their friends meet their goals – more special even than the pride shown by the recipients themselves.
The highlight of the day (other than when the “keep your bowls and spoons” sign came out at dinner eliciting a rowdy chorus of utensil percussion and shouts of “We all scream for ice cream”) was definitely the Inter Senior play – Fame the musical. It had all of the makings of a great production: tons of talent, hard work, a bit of romance, a dash of sass, and flashy costumes and make-up. The songs were so catchy and the performances so stunning that the audience spent much of the time on its feet singing and dancing along and giving standing ovations.
The Junior Boys got back from trip today a little dirty and a LOT smiley, and the Senior Girls are hard at work getting ready for their big day of Rustic and Cotillion TOMORROW!!! The remaining canoe trips get back tomorrow (Inter Girls and White water) and we are looking forward to hearing their adventure stories!
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