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  • January 31, 2014

    Keeping teens safe on-line

    There’s a lot of talk about how vulnerable teens are on-line, and as parents we tend to respond to our worries about that as per usual, with a lecture about the perils of the internet. But, also as per usual, the lectures are pretty much guaranteed to be ineffectual. This is for two reasons: One, […]

  • December 12, 2013

    New evidence that camp changes children

    A recent University of Waterloo study of camp experience has been released, showing that parents reported that camp made their children more resilient, increased their social skills and self-confidence and their love of learning, as well as their sense of being part of and responsible to a community. To see the study, Click Here

  • November 19, 2013

    Bullying Awareness Week is November 18 – 24

    Members of the Arowhon family know about our camp commitment to stop bullying. We know from experience that the vast majority of bullying incidents are caused by problems kids are having in their relationships – so our commitment at Arowhon is first to know what’s going on in kids’ relationships and second to give them the help […]

  • August 10, 2013

    Brent Bullets are Back!

    At 3:56 pm the Brent girls paddled into camp. They completed their heroic journey – 170 km of paddling and portaging to the extreme north end of Algonquin Park – in 34 hours and 15 minutes – one minute over the all-time girls Brent record! The entire camp ran to the canoe trip dock to […]

  • June 30, 2013

    Who’s Homesick?

    I’ve been getting sad phone calls from parents….. It sounds to me like kid-sickness. As a mom myself, I 100% empathize with this. Control, after all, is my middle name. As a camp director I feel okay about my control gene… as a mom, I know it gets in the way. When our kids were […]

  • June 29, 2013

    Game on!!!

    It’s the first day of full camp program and everyone is out doing activities! With enthusiasm!! Instructors are teaching and campers are starting to learn new skills… the mood is super positive. The LITs left on canoe trip this morning, there was a skit with a small grey pony at morning lineup (to announce the […]
