Camp Arowhon

Camp News

August 7, 2019

Seth Godin 2019

Our friend, Arowhon alum Seth Godin, recorded a podcast when he was here working in first session. Seth comes to camp every summer – to revisit his fondest memories and to awaken in our campers the same spirit of can-do that he learned at camp… and of course to tell his famous David Curhan story, […]

July 10, 2019

Above and Beyond

With 2 weeks under our belts we’re starting to really get in the groove of camp life. Campers are feeling settled, staff are confident in their jobs, and we’re starting to see the next level stuff that only comes from spending this much time at camp (one of the reasons why we have such limited […]

July 1, 2019

Sunshine on Tepee!

The summer weather finally decided to show up in Algonquin Park! Day 3 of the session saw campers really getting into the groove at activities and watching them find their confidence was truly inspirational. I took advantage of the perfect conditions and spent 4th period on a windsurfer getting tips from Senior Boys, and as […]

June 29, 2019

Day One of Program!

Today was the first day of the full on camp activity program. The lake filled with kids skippering sailboats, windsurfing, canoeing and kayaking. The riding rings were full and kids also rode trail rides. The Junior Play, The Lion King, was announced with a cool costumed skit at breakfast. It was generally a great and […]

June 28, 2019

Tour Day!

Today is the day when our campers tour every activity in camp to meet the instructors, find out the safety rules and what to bring to the activity, and have some fun getting to know the instructors. Every camper also does their swim test, visits the doctor in the Med Lodge, gets checked for lice […]

June 27, 2019

Safe and Sound on Tepee Lake

The first day of camp could not have gone more smoothly. The weather was perfect (sunny but not too hot, with a lovely breeze to keep the bugs at bay), everyone arrived on time and all luggage made its way to its owners. The traditional night one pasta dinner was a hit as usual, and […]

June 24, 2019

Saying Goodbye to Your Campers….

A Summer Camp Lesson: Good-bye, and Go Away, Thank You Very Much Dropping a kid off for camp can test a parent’s resolve. But standing back to let a child develop autonomy is one of the most important things a parent can do. by JESSICA LAHEY in The Atlantic Three years ago, when he was […]

June 21, 2019

Pre Camp staff training is in full swing

It’s 7:30 am. Leon and I are sitting on the porch of our cabin having a cup of tea and talking about the camp day ahead. I look at the lake – and suddenly see about 15 yellow canoes coming round the bend from the Joe Lake channel into our lake. Oh great joy, for […]

June 6, 2019

5 Tips for Surviving Your Child’s First Overnight Camp Experience

In our last post we talked about how seeing our kids’ anxiety triggers an anxious response in us that can be maladaptive for them if we follow through with our gut reaction: removing the trigger, thereby preventing our kids from developing the coping skills to deal with their situation. Sending a child away to overnight […]

August 16, 2018

What a couple of days it’s been! On Monday evening after a fabulous evening of music and dance performances (the now annual Arowhonapalooza collaboration between FAD and Music) we were ushered down by torchlight to the front of the Main Lodge where an INCREDIBLE scene awaited us: a 20 foot tall neon-lit Omnidroid stood menacingly […]
