Camp Arowhon
Camp News

As the sun sets over Tepee Lake we are basking in the glow of a real, hot, sunny summer day! The mud is beginning to dry out and the puddle-jumping is being replaced with the regular favourites of tetherball, gaga, and roofball as rest hour pass times (for most of our campers there’s too much fun […]
ContinueChanging things up for the evening
It was a beautiful sunny day here at camp. Spirits were high as we laughed and played in and around the water to keep cool. Some of the highlights were an impromptu water fight during general, a sailing lesson that had everyone learning how to dump and un-dump their boats, and a windsurfing adventure that […]
Sun, Glorious Sun!
The weather gods finally decided to smile upon us today and everyone’s spirits soared as the clouds parted and the sun showed it’s face for the first time in days. Things are winding up after our second day of programming, which included the first day of our new Film program, dance battles around camp, shrinky […]
ContinueSingin’ in the Rain!
Today has been an incredible display of Camp Arowhon sprit; despite the sometimes torrential rain – the bridge by the office is underwater! – the first day of regular activities went off without a hitch! The silver sunshine didn’t dampen the spirits of enthusiastic canoeists, sailors or kayakers, and the puddle jumpers were in full […]
ContinueA remarkable first day at Arowhon!
What a great first day of camp! Campers toured all the activities, did their swim tests, met with Joanne, got checked in at the med lodge, had a look for lice and got a cabin photo taken. It was amazing to see the main lodge once again filled with energy. It took no time at […]
What a day!!! The silver sunshine didn’t put a damper on the spirits of the campers who arrived today. Joanne always says that “without the people, camp is just a bunch of old buildings” and today proved that to us. The campers’ arrival truly lit up Tepee Lake! After feasting on everyone’s favourite first night […]
A Letter from your Kid’s Counsellor
Dear Parents, In less than 24 hours many of you will be doing the scariest thing you have ever done: sending your most precious possessions into the middle of the woods to be cared for by a bunch of people you’ve never even met. There are a couple of things we want you to know. […]
The Mission of Camp
Our management team arrived at camp this week and hit the ground running to get camp ready for another amazing summer. We spent all day yesterday with a professional facilitator doing team building and goal setting exercises. Here’s what our amazing Head Counsellors came up with as their summer mission: “We want to provide all the […]
Why Camp?
Over the years we’ve shared dozens of articles with our community espousing the value of summer camp for kids, staff, and even sometimes parents. We’re thrilled that so much research is being done proving what we already knew, but we’re probably starting to sound like a broken record (and preaching to the choir) when we […]
Why We Don’t Post Pictures of Kids During the Summer
We’ve been reading the post-camp feedback from parents and are so pleased that for the most part our hard work paid off to create a safe and positive experience for all of our campers and their families. One of the few complaints we are getting, however, is that many parents wish we would post pictures […]