Camp Arowhon

All News

July 27, 2013

Junior Girl Cabin Photos – August 2013

Cabin 26 Cabin 24 Cabin 6 Cabin 4


Inter Girl Cabin Photos – August 2013

Cabin 8 Cabin 22 Cabin 20 Cabin 18 Cabin 14 Cabin 22


Senior Girl Cabin Photos – August 2013

The Curve Cabin 38B Cabin 38A Cabin 36


LIT Cabin Photo – August 2013


Day One! Game on!

It was a great first day of 2nd session: Hot and sunny, and EVERY single camper passed their swim test… This morning Brent boys were training, portaging and paddling laps… After dinner tonight we had a gorgeous skit to announce the Junior play: Sleeping Beauty.. The skit was a costume extravaganza with Prince Charming on […]

July 26, 2013

They’re here!!!

2nd session started off great (not one camper crying at dinner, and lots of smiles!), and we’re off and running. As the sun sets pink and golden over Teepee Lake, evening activity is winding down.. It was by sections tonight, so campers could start to get to know their section staff and learn their section […]

July 22, 2013

High School Musical

The Inter Senior play, High School Musical, just ended… A cast of 90, very cool sets, great singing and dancing…. The quality of acting, singing and dancing was crazy great for camp – resulting not one but two standing ovations – Unlike Toronto, Arowhon does not lightly bestow standing ovations, so this was a real […]

July 20, 2013

Whitney trip is back!

Half an hour ago the entire camp turned out to welcome back our Senior Boys who paddled across Algonquin to Whitney and back – a trip they’d been training for every morning at 6 for weeks. We’re proud of the boys’ accomplishment, but even prouder of the dedication and teamwork they showed in their training. […]

July 19, 2013

Everything is 100% fine at camp….

We had rain off and on here until about 4 pm and then the skies cleared. After lunch we did indoor activities till the rain passed…. And now everybody is playing outside – it’s a normal day at camp. But, due to what we hear was more intense weather south of Algonquin Park, our  power […]

July 17, 2013

One-Day Program

Today was Rise of the Guardians… The Boogie Man was threatening to take over the world… bad guys dressed in black for the skit right after lunch…. The Tooth Fairy, The Sandman, Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny got together in great costumes of course… The campers were divided into four teams to represent the […]
