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  • September 11, 2013

    A camp director’s thoughts on sexting

    Sexting is bad. Our kids know – because we’ve told them –  that any image they transmit over the internet will take on an uncontrollable life of its own, may go viral, and could do them irreparable and lasting harm. This is old news – so old that we need to figure out another way […]

  • September 5, 2013

    The Main Lodge is down

    and the good news is…. that camp really DOES change children’s lives for the better. A new study from the University of Waterloo found as follows: WATERLOO, ON – The positive development that children and youth experience at summer camp results in sustained behavioural changes at home, school and in the community, says a new […]

  • August 26, 2013

    CBC Radio interviews Arowhon director Joanne Kates

    CBC Radio did a show yesterday on the impacts of summer camp, and they interviewed me about how our campers are changed by camp. We talked about how people turn into their best selves at camp – hear the interview at But what we didn’t talk about was the sheer fun of it all. The ear-splitting yelling and cheering, […]

  • August 21, 2013

    Camp is silent…. almost

    They say the two happiest days of a camp director’s year are the day camp starts and the day it ends. My deepest happiness yesterday – as every year on that day – is from the simple fact of sending everyone home in one piece. That they grew and learned and had a ton of […]

  • August 18, 2013

    What is the true meaning of summer camp?

    Just before 7 this morning I was on a swim dock to test a small group of style swimmers for their Arowhon A. How important is the Arowhon A at camp? Here’s one way to know: I have my Arowhon A framed on my office wall – in Toronto. My daughter has hers on her […]

  • August 16, 2013

    Another exciting day at camp

    SO much going on! Whitney girls (a marathon sprint by of paddling and portaging) got back as lunch began, to massive cheering by the whole camp… This morning at 7 I tested a Senior Boy for the jumping portion of his 1st class award in riding. He jumped a flawless course of 3 foot jumps […]

  • August 15, 2013

    Words of Wisdom on parenting, from the camp perspective

    Why Camp Counselors Can Out-Parent Parents By MICHAEL THOMPSON Are you having trouble getting your 9-year-old daughter to make her bed every day? How about your 11-year-old son? Does he get up in the morning and run down to the dining room to set the breakfast table for the family? And after breakfast, does he clear […]

  • August 14, 2013

    Colour War Day Two

    This morning was my favourite game: The Land and Sea Game. This is the 2nd biggest event of Colour War….. The goal is simple: Each team must find (hidden on land) wooden blocks in their team’s colour. To get points, those blocks need to get to the Voyageur canoe. Sounds simple. But the Voyageur canoe […]

  • August 13, 2013

    Colour War!

    Last night’s evening activity was our weekly campwide campfire… We were led by torches to the Junior Boys campsite deep in the forest… there were songs and skits, stories and 10 year jacket ceremonies, and then we were all led by torchlight to the front of the Main Lodge for: The Colour War Break Skit! […]

  • August 11, 2013

    All the Inter Boys are back from trip

    All the Inter Boys are back from trip. Some went on canoe trips and some on hiking trips, and a great time was had by all. We’re glad they’re back because the dining hall seemed kind of …. quiet without their wonderful loud boy energy and cheers. Today all the Juniors left on their canoe […]
