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  • August 10, 2013

    Brent Bullets are Back!

    At 3:56 pm the Brent girls paddled into camp. They completed their heroic journey – 170 km of paddling and portaging to the extreme north end of Algonquin Park – in 34 hours and 15 minutes – one minute over the all-time girls Brent record! The entire camp ran to the canoe trip dock to […]

  • August 9, 2013

    Nova Scotia charges two teens with cyber bullying

    It’s a step forward that yesterday the Nova Scotia police charged two teenage boys with cyber bullying in the tragic case of Rehteah Parsons, who died from a suicide attempt after she was horribly bullied on-line. These arrests are a start – but only a start. The media are all over the Rehteah parsons tragedy, but […]

  • August 7, 2013

    Temagami trips come home!

    Just this minute our two nine-day canoe trips got back from Temagami! We’re giving them a triumphal welcome in front of the whole camp at lineup in 5 minutes… We’re so proud of their epic journey undertaken and completed- one trip of girls and one trip of boys…. And also, just now we did Brahmbo’s […]

  • August 3, 2013

    It’s a beautiful day in Algonquin Park

    Bright sun, a few high white clouds… We had about 20 minutes of rain this afternoon but nothing major… Last night after the dance-off in Rustic Lounge we led the entire camp down to the lakefront with torches, and watched the ending skit for Battle of the Sexes, which culminated in pink fireworks being set […]

  • July 31, 2013

    Letter from a Dad to a 1st time camper

    Open Letter to My Daughter, the Camper, by Scott Shamberg Dear Daughter, Tomorrow you leave for overnight camp, the first time you will be away from home for more than a night and/or not under the supervision of a loving grandparent. Overnight camp is one of the true gifts of your young life — a reward, […]

  • July 30, 2013

    A Golden Sunset Over Teepee Lake

    Gold and pink are reflected in the lake, and camp is ringing with the sounds of campers playing at evening activity… The Junior Boys are doing Pirate Night at sailing (aka a themed beginner sailing lesson) and you can hear their shouts of delight on the lake…Two Senior Boy and Girl trips left this morning […]

  • July 27, 2013

    Day One! Game on!

    It was a great first day of 2nd session: Hot and sunny, and EVERY single camper passed their swim test… This morning Brent boys were training, portaging and paddling laps… After dinner tonight we had a gorgeous skit to announce the Junior play: Sleeping Beauty.. The skit was a costume extravaganza with Prince Charming on […]

  • July 20, 2013

    Whitney trip is back!

    Half an hour ago the entire camp turned out to welcome back our Senior Boys who paddled across Algonquin to Whitney and back – a trip they’d been training for every morning at 6 for weeks. We’re proud of the boys’ accomplishment, but even prouder of the dedication and teamwork they showed in their training. […]

  • July 17, 2013

    One-Day Program

    Today was Rise of the Guardians… The Boogie Man was threatening to take over the world… bad guys dressed in black for the skit right after lunch…. The Tooth Fairy, The Sandman, Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny got together in great costumes of course… The campers were divided into four teams to represent the […]

  • Keep your AC, we’ve got the lake!

    The mercury hit 32′ C today but we had a nice onshore breeze coming off the lake… and many swims. At breakfast we told every camper to wear their bathing suits, and every land-based activity ended 10 minutes early so that all the kids could go for a dip every hour – the best way […]
