July 1, 2014

Silver Sunshine

When I think back to my best memories as a camper, I remember the get well soon card my cabin made for me after I had to get stiches in the med lodge, the feeling of pride when I got to the end of the longest portage in Algonquin Park, and finding the muddiest spot in camp to play Metzker ball in.

When it rains in the city, I worry that it’s going to ruin my hair or my shoes on the way to work. When it rains at camp, I put on my rubber boots and bright yellow plastic coat and go puddle jumping.

This morning it’s raining at camp and we’re teaching kids that that inclement weather is not an inconvenience, but an opportunity. We’re teaching them not to stop what they’re doing because of challenging circumstances but to find a way to adapt what they are doing and take advantage of the situation. At Arowhon, we call rain “silver sunshine” and we keep playing through it. We teach our campers how to dress properly for the weather, encourage them to get wet and dirty, and give them hot chocolate after they do.

We know from experience that this builds resourceful, resilient children who keep going when the going gets tough and find the silver lining inside every rain cloud.

Mara Kates, Assistant Director

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