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  • January 21, 2015

    Parenting the Stubborn Child

    We all know this kid. This is the kid who says no more often than yes. This is the kid who always has an answer when you say it’s homework time, or time to turn off the TV. Or time to go to bed. And it’s never the answer you want to hear. This is […]

  • December 19, 2014

    Going on Vacation with Another Family? Read this!

    Going on vacation with another family is an emotionally complicated pleasure. You know the upsides – It’s more fun for the kids, less child care work for you, and on a deeper level there is something incredibly fulfilling about the connections fostered by families. Being with another family for more than an afternoon or an […]

  • December 11, 2014

    Perfectionism, an ill of the 21st century

    I was talking to a distraught mom the other day, about her daughter who never feels good enough about herself. Funny (or maybe not so funny) thing is that the mom doesn’t feel good enough either. And she uses her daughter’s insecurities as a weapon to beat herself up. As in: The mom blames herself […]

  • November 26, 2014

    Arowhon in Action!

    The first ever Arowhon in Action event this past weekend brought out 150 Arowhon campers and parents to pack bags of clothes and food for the homeless, decorate them in true Arowhon Arts & Crafts style, and have a lot of fun while we did it – not to mention candy floss, caramel popcorn and […]

  • November 5, 2014

    They Know What We Show

    One of the most common phrases you hear during Arowhon’s pre-camp staff training is “They know what we show.” You can tell a kid 19 times not to do something but if they see their beloved counsellor doing it you can be sure they’re going to want to try it. This has become a relatively […]

  • October 29, 2014

    Who chooses kids’ activities?

    A mom I know is feeling distraught about her 15-year-old daughter’s gymnastics. But it could be any extra-curricular, it just happens to be gymnastics. This girl has been a terrific gymnast since she first hit the mat at age 5. Coaches saw talent and have been bringing her along for 10 years now. It’s part […]

  • October 21, 2014

    Parenting Perfectionist Kids

    I was talking to a distraught mom the other day, about her daughter who never feels good enough about herself. Funny (or maybe not so funny) thing is that the mom doesn’t feel good enough either. And she uses her daughter’s insecurities as a weapon to beat herself up. As in: The mom blames herself […]

  • October 10, 2014

    In 1964 when I was 14, Barbara Draimin was my counsellor at camp

    I was a not very confident kid, recently (and badly) divorced parents. I needed a boost. Every morning at 6, she jumped on my bed and said: “Katesy get up.” And insisted. She kept two canoes in Curve Bay, and every morning before breakfast we paddled together. She drilled me on my standing pry just […]

  • October 7, 2014

    Mentoring Modern Men

    We consider it a victory at camp that being dominant and aggressive is no longer “cool” for boys.  But unlike girls, who have grown up with the permission to be vulnerable and the practice of talking about feelings with their friends, most boys haven’t had the same training. In the “progressive, post-manufacturing, knowledge-based economy” we inhabit, […]

  • October 2, 2014

    Parenting as a Gen Xer: We’re the first generation of parents in the age of iEverything

    A mother’s perspective on parenting in the age of technology: “Even though I also understand the powerful draw of the World Wide Web and social media and I participate in it enthusiastically, it scares me when it comes to my children and how it will mold and change their experience from mine.” Despite how much […]
