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  • September 23, 2014

    12 Alternatives to Punishment that May Actually Work

    We know that simply punishing kids who misbehave doesn’t work because it doesn’t provide them with the tools they need to do better in challenging situations. HERE are some better ideas (inspired by Attachment Parenting). We’d love to hear from you what works for your kids!

  • September 19, 2014

    Asking the right questions

    How many times have gotten “fine” as a response to a question you asked your kid? At camp we know that the most important thing we can do for kids is LISTEN to them… but sometimes we have to ask the right questions to get them talking. This mommy blogger came up with a list of […]

  • September 18, 2014

    Giving Good Praise

    At the end of each session at camp, our instructors write letters to the parents of the campers who have shown outstanding dedication at their activity. Most of these are campers who are going for their high class awards, but the instructors write the letters before the high class test has even happened. Partially this […]

  • September 10, 2014

    On line registration

    We still paddle a canoe like the Voyageurs did two centuries ago, but Arowhon has joined the digital age for registration and camp forms. We hope this will make life easier for parents, and we KNOW our kitchen and medical staff are going to love how much easier this makes it for them to access […]

  • August 20, 2014

    The two happiest days of a camp director’s year are

    the day the campers arrive and the day they leave. The first is obvious – We would never do this job if we didn’t love it. The second is less obvious. The joy we feel when it’s over is tinged with sadness at saying goodbye to our beloved campers. But mostly we feel profound relief. […]

  • August 19, 2014

    It’s over….

    All the buses have arrived in Toronto, the airport bus is at Toronto airport and campers are being checked in for their flights; all the campers being picked up at camp are gone, the staff are mostly gone… And camp seems a sad place without its people. Minus the smiles and laughter of the children, […]

  • August 18, 2014

    Parting is sweet sorrow

    Tonight was so bittersweet. The sweetness of the final banquet (sushi and smoked salmon mousse, BBQ steaks, Greek salad, curly fries, stuffed green peppers, home made chocolate truffles and mini chocolate eclairs for dessert). And afterwards, many many awards presented to campers for stuff like “most dedicated” and “most improved” at every activity…. Then we […]

  • August 17, 2014

    Brent boys are back!

    At 7:45 pm they paddled up to the trip dock. The entire camp cheered to welcome them! Hurrah! Busy night at camp. Now we’re off to the annual staff talent show, after that there’s a torch paddle…

  • What price dedication to learning at camp?

    Last night after dinner I was at the canoe dock testing two kids on their 1st class award in canoeing. For those who don’t know about the Arowhon awards, let’s just say that kids work two or three summers on their 1st class award, and that to be that good, you can hold your own […]

  • August 16, 2014

    Across the Universe

    our usual theatrical extravaganza just ended – the Inter Senior play, a musical homage to the Beatles, with great singing and sets…. Many. 1st and 2nd class tests today, two Whitney trips got back, never mind the rain…and speaking of rain, our Survival Trip got back today and reported triumphantly that they stayed completely dry last […]
