Camp Arowhon

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August 22, 2022

When They Come Home

It is probably difficult to imagine, as you scan the “packing list,” count socks, get the trunk out, and make sure your child’s name is on everything they are taking, what your son or daughter might be like when they come home from the summer adventure at camp—the adventure for which you are working so […]

August 21, 2022

Camp Magic

I participated in a ceremony tonight where all past members of the Curve (where the 15 year old girls live) speak about what the Curve means to them. Curve alumni of all ages talked about how being at camp taught them to be their best selves – to embrace diversity, to not take themselves too […]

August 16, 2022

Moving to The Point

Yesterday was special for me. OK, it’s true – every day at camp is special to me, and if it weren’t, being a camp director would have been a bad career choice. But yesterday was really special! Leon and I moved into our new cabin 4 days ago, and yesterday we christened it with the […]

August 15, 2022

Reflections from a Visiting Alum

We had 10 alumni join us to help run Mini Camp this weekend and it was such a treat to see how their love of camp (and ours of them) has only grown with each year apart. Here’s what one of them had to say: After 8 years of being a camper, 1 as an […]

Our new mini campers have arrived!
August 13, 2022

Mini Camp is finally here!

Mini camp is one of my favourite times in Algonquin because it’s a chance to see the next generation of our big Arowhon family discover the magic of camp.  I was lucky enough to grow up with my family at Arowhon, but for many young kids, spending time away from home – especially two weeks […]

August 9, 2022

the fear of leaving and the joy of returning

The night before campers leave, we always have a special ceremony where we honour people who have dedicated a significant part of their life to Arowhon. They sometimes involve those people speaking about what camp means to them – one of the most inspiring things for nervous neophytes to hear. One of them this month […]

August 7, 2022

What a Day!

It started with our epic Sunday Sleep-in Brunch featuring bagels with smoked salmon and cream cheese, chocolate croissants, tropical fruit, and eggs-to-order, and ended with raucous Sadie Notkins dance where everyone chased everyone, went on hay rides, ate barbecued corn and danced til they were drenched. In between we had a super general (where kids […]

August 5, 2022

Rocking out on Planet Arowhon

It’s been a hot, sunny, and amazing few days on Planet Arowhon. Now that camp is well underway the energy is really ramping up and it feels like the special events just keep on coming! Last night we were blown away by a truly incredible Junior Play – School of Rock. The kids delivered their […]

August 2, 2022

getting into the groove

With a few days of programming under our belts, campers are really getting into the groove at activities and watching them find their confidence is inspirational. I took advantage of the perfect conditions and spent 4th period on a windsurfer getting tips from Senior Moose, and as much as I learned about windsurfing I learned […]

July 31, 2022

Jumping in with Both Feet

With tour day behind us, we’ve jumped full swing into the momentum of camp and with the wonderful weather it feels exactly how summer camp should: full of laughter, growth, trying new things, friendships new and old, and fun in the sun. The Junior Play was announced yesterday with a rambunctious skit and everyone who […]
