Camp Arowhon

All News

July 28, 2023

A Terrific Tour Day

After a brief rain shower this morning the weather held out for the rest of Tour Day. 6 and 8 weekers resumed normal activities and 2 and 4 weekers went around to all the activities to meet the instructors and get excited for their choices in the days to come. All cabins came for a […]

July 27, 2023

Tootin’ our own Horn

We got a lot of wonderful emails over changeover and wanted to share one particularly articulate one: Hi camp,  I just wanted to reach out and thank you.  My son is home now from first session and while he’s so happy to be home with us he can’t stop talking about all of these magical […]

July 26, 2023

July 27 Bus List

The July 27th bus list can be found here!

July 25, 2023

Cheers to an Incredible Session

The past 2 days have been so filled with camp magic, making the ending feel especially poignant. On Sunday the Senior Bears treated us to an incredible New York themed Cotillion banquet, followed by an amazingly written and performed production of their traditional staff parody play, Rustic Lounge. The night was capped off with a […]

July 24, 2023



July 22, 2023

Extra Extra Read All About it!

With only a few days left before first month ends, every one is packed with excitement and special activities. Today we had a super cabin clean up (for tuck of course), FADSUP special day (fitness on paddle boards), NOGA (nature yoga on top of Gibraltar), tie-dyeing at Arts and Crafts, and a windsurf race to […]

July 20, 2023

Vikings Vs. Romans

Today’s weather held out just long enough for the bulk of our special day to be in sunshine, and when the rain finally came at 4pm we took advantage of the shower for an impromptu puddle-jumping and rain-dancing party. The day started out normal enough, with boiled eggs and cinnamon buns for breakfast and the […]


Tripstars are back!

One of the things that makes Arowhon so special is the drive and ambition of our campers at activities. At Arowhon, the only activity one cannot choose is inactivity, and learning new skills and achieving awards is celebrated by staff and peers alike. Over the last couple days, with campers having been here for a […]

July 16, 2023

Why I Come Back to Camp

Our campfire last night culminated in this incredible speech from kitchen staff Ryan commemorating his 10th summer at camp: I have officially gone up highways 400, 11, and 60 ten times to reach the most close knit, friendly, aesthetically-pleasing and passionate place I’ve ever been a part of.  When I first came to Arowhon in 2013 I […]

July 14, 2023

Campfire Magic is Back!

Everyone at camp is thrilled with the great news that the fire ban is finally lifted! All around camp last night were the nostalgic sounds and scents of crackling of embers and roasting marshmallows. Seeing friends gathered around fires, arms around each other, singing and chatting, reminded us of what camp is all about: connection […]
