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  • July 19, 2014

    Cotillion and Rustic Lounge

    Wow! We had a great day today. It doesn’t hurt that it was warm and sunny. The inter long trips (7 days to Killarney Park) got back to camp today and the kids reported loving their trips. Then tonight dinner was the annual Cotillion banquet with the Main Lodge turned into a space ship thanks […]

  • July 18, 2014

    Cookout and campfire

    All the Juniors came back from their four-day canoe trip today, and said they had a blast – all of them!! Oh joy! Four girls were carried in to cookout dinner tonight on the shoulders of the riding staff – They had just gotten their 2nd class award in riding. Midway through dinner it was announced that another […]

  • July 17, 2014

    Teens at camp

    This morning at 6:15 as I strolled out onto my cabin porch for a glance at the splendour of Algonquin in the morning, pink and gold light on the lake, I heard the usual morning sounds here: Several teams of 14 and 15 year old boys and girls training for Brent and Whitney trips. They […]

  • July 16, 2014

    Arowhon Olympics

    Last night as the sun sank below the horizon the citizens of Planet Arowhon met in front of the Main Lodge for an epic skit (complete with a fireworks show) to introduce the first ever Arowhon Olympics! All morning today our campers trained for their events and this afternoon they competed in various camp activities […]

  • July 15, 2014

    Juniors on Canoe Trip!

    Right after lunch today, two great events occurred: The sun came out bright and strong, an all the Junior Girls and Boys left for a four-day canoe trip. Their trip leaders and counsellors had a different theme and costumes for each trip (Frozen, Pocahantas, Junior Boys Warriors etc.) with plans to teach the Juniors wilderness […]

  • July 14, 2014

    Senior long trips are back!!!

    The entire camp turned out to the lake shore to welcome back the two Senior 10-day trips. These brave voyageurs paddled and portaged for 10 days in the Temagami wilderness, and we’re so proud of them. Tomorrow at lunch we’ll have a ceremony to celebrate them, and give each one a miniature Arowhon yellow canoe…. […]

  • July 13, 2014

    Teepee Lake Swimmers

    One of the great things about camp is how much it motivates kids to challenge themselves. This morning after our famous Sunday sleep-in and brunch, fuelled by smoked salmon and chocolate croissants, 40 intrepid campers decided to swim between 1/4 mile and a full mile across Teepee Lake. Simultaneously 19 Inter Girls and Inter Boys […]

  • July 12, 2014

    Campwide campfire

    Tonight was campfire….the section heads led us with torches to a beautiful woodland campsite…. 150 staff and 350 campers sitting around the bonfire and singing songs together, laughing at silly skits, applauding wildly as their friends and staff members perform and lead them in songs, is incredibly heart-warming. We are a community of people from […]

  • July 11, 2014

    Circus Day was great!

    Today was Circus Day, and the smiles were on everyone’s faces. We had a perfect day for it  – hot and sunny – and a great time. Circus Day means every cabin in camp has a booth….Some of the booths were home-made – face painting, Jungle Joe, tattoos, the nail spa….. and some were huge […]

  • Circus Day!

    Starts  in 10 minutes….  Giant inflatables, cotton candy, pie toss and more….everyone except the senior long trip is back in camp for the big day.
