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  • July 19, 2013

    Everything is 100% fine at camp….

    We had rain off and on here until about 4 pm and then the skies cleared. After lunch we did indoor activities till the rain passed…. And now everybody is playing outside – it’s a normal day at camp. But, due to what we hear was more intense weather south of Algonquin Park, our  power […]

  • July 17, 2013

    One-Day Program

    Today was Rise of the Guardians… The Boogie Man was threatening to take over the world… bad guys dressed in black for the skit right after lunch…. The Tooth Fairy, The Sandman, Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny got together in great costumes of course… The campers were divided into four teams to represent the […]

  • Keep your AC, we’ve got the lake!

    The mercury hit 32′ C today but we had a nice onshore breeze coming off the lake… and many swims. At breakfast we told every camper to wear their bathing suits, and every land-based activity ended 10 minutes early so that all the kids could go for a dip every hour – the best way […]

  • July 16, 2013

    Why camp?

    from the American Camp Association:

  • The long trip is back!

    Nine days ago six Senior Boys and three staff (two seasoned trip leaders and a counsellor) left camp and paddled eastward literally the entire breadth, all the way across Algonquin Park to the Barron Canyon. They paddled and portaged for nine days, braving huge winds, unmarked portages – and the sheer challenge of a 173 […]

  • July 15, 2013

    Should children go to sleepaway camp?

    An interesting debate in The New York Times: Click HERE

  • July 14, 2013

    Hot, sunny and fun

    Tonight was roast turkey with cranberry sauce and gravy, corn, roast potatoes and salad with spinach and romaine. Perfectly cooked moist turkey. Yummy butter tarts for dessert… and afterwards the cheering was over the top… Section cheers…. Junior Girls staff pouring ice on Junior Boys staff and getting thrown in the lake for it…. Kids […]

  • July 13, 2013

    Paddle making, climb trip, distance swims

    It’s hot and sunny here…. we’re reminding everybody about hats, sunscreen and hydration…. This morning paddle-making started. Woodworker, paddle-maker and canoe artist Bruce Smith arrived to spend three days teaching seniors who signed up to make their own cherrywood paddles.. So right now Bruce has tables set up in the shade of big pine trees […]

  • Best Day at Camp…. Ever

    Today was Circus Day… with the clowns, the many huge inflatable playground extravaganzas… the mechanical bucking bronco, the adrenaline rush inflatable, the huge enclosed trampoline…. candy floss, sno-cones, fresh churros and pretzels…. an ice cream truck…. soak-o-grams, pet the (real) bunny, slip ‘n’ side… Jungle Joe, cupcake decorating…. and then, after dinner the Sole Power […]

  • July 11, 2013

    another great day at camp

    It was sunny and windy all day… with the wind sports  full of adrenaline rushes…. Tis the season of 3rd class awards – at every lunch and dinner there are dozens of announcements of 3rd class awards at every activity – because two weeks in, many campers have achieved basic mastery at an activity… or […]
