Camp Arowhon

All News

August 21, 2021

Brent is back!

Oh great joy. The whole camp just ran to the trip dock to welcome the Brent champions home safe and sound! These brave 15 year old voyageurs paddled and portaged 170 km in just over 36 hours. We are overwhelmed with joy that they succeeded at their enormous challenge and are home safe. They’ve been […]


Great news about camps and COVID: The “Camp Bubble” works!

It’s been a fabulous summer for camps on so many levels. We’re excited that we’ve done literally thousands of COVID tests of staff and campers this summer, and not had one case of COVID. And nor did most of our colleagues. We know of an outbreak at only one camp in Ontario, and that was […]

August 20, 2021

It Ain’t Over ‘Til It’s Over!

Our penultimate day of programming felt like summer should: hot, sunny and carefree. Campers are really taking advantage of their last days here by getting awards left, right, and centre, and checking things off their bucket lists, from stargazing to sitting at the Head Table. The lake was full of campers and staff refreshing themselves […]

August 19, 2021

Our Algonquin Haven

We have a new camp doctor this week who commented on how wonderfully “normal” being camp feels. With the news of the 4th wave of Covid hitting, I’ve been reflecting on how lucky we are to be in this unique sanctuary where we (and especially at the kids) can just BE. We worked so hard […]

August 18, 2021

Coming Together

Camp is going to sleep tonight exhausted and elated after 2 intense days of Colour War. The weather was perfect today for the Land and Sea game – a full camp extravaganza involving campers on land hunting for treasure (painted blocks) that they passed to their team mates in a plethora of watercraft to sail, […]

August 17, 2021

Pirates of Tepee Lake

There were many amazing moments on this first day of Colour War, from the classic tug of war battle to the blue team Inter Boy who was carried into the Main Lodge on his team mates’ shoulders for finding to top-scoring director (yours truly) hiding in a drainage culvert during the counsellor hunt. But I’ve […]


A Day to Remember

Energy is running high as we enter the last week of camp. Cheering resounds from all corners of camp as campers achieve high class awards – the traditional way of telling campers if they passed their test is by pushing them in the lake and all their friends jump in to celebrate with them, so […]

August 15, 2021

Tutus and Tea Parties

As we enter the final week of the summer, campers and staff are really seizing each day. Creativity, spirit, and goofiness are through the roof and I am constantly amazed by the wild and wonderful ways people are finding to learn and play. From entire canoe lessons sung opera-style to silly dress-up theme nights to […]

August 14, 2021

The Small Moments

During pre-camp, we teach the value of getting your MBWA (management by walking around) – the concept that the more present we are as staff and supervisors, the more accountable we’ll hold those we’re responsible for, and the more little things we’ll observe and give feedback on (both the good and the bad). At first […]

August 13, 2021

Sing for Joy

Yesterday the Ministry of Health released the wonderful news that after 14 days of Covid-free cohorts being established we can now open up without masking between cohorts indoors, which means that camp is finally back to normal! If feels strange and liberating… and really makes camp feel like a community now that we can see […]
